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Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

CPSO is committed to addressing discrimination to contribute to a more equitable health care system

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CPSO has made a commitment to examine how we, as an organisation, can better fulfill our mandate through bringing equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) to our processes and policies. We are committed to addressing all forms of discrimination faced by equity-seeking groups. As we continue to listen, learn and be reflexive in this work, we are inviting you to do the same. Here are some resources that can help in this life-long journey of learning and unlearning. The College will be adding to this collection as additional resources become available.

Please review the glossary for definitions of commonly used terms.

2022 Equity, Diversity and Inclusion ReportThroughout 2022, CPSO continued its conscious and deliberate effort to apply an equity lens to its core work as a regulator. We are pleased to present our year-end EDI Report, which showcases the extensive work that focused on our core themes of 2SLGBTQIA+ health and anti-Black racism. This report outlines the substantive cross-organizational work and stakeholder collaboration that occurred between November 2021 — November 2022.



Discrimination Against Physicians

Gender Equality

Implicit Bias




Anti-Black Racism

Anti-Indigenous Racism


Religious-based Care

Social Accountability

Weight Bias


In Dialogue, CPSO’s Podcast

The College has a monthly podcast series where we speak to health system experts on issues related to medical regulation, the delivery of quality care, physician wellness, and initiatives to address bias and discrimination in health care. Episodes are available on eDialogue, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and SoundCloud.